The Rights of Management

What works and what doesn’t work for all things “manageable”

My Latest Posts

  • Information Gathering
    Forty years ago, from when this was written, phones were just making their way out of houses and into cars. Thirty years ago, They were making their way into purses and briefcases. Twenty years ago, they were getting thinner and their newly-colorized screens were getting bigger. Ten years ago, mobile phones were common worldwide, theContinue reading “Information Gathering”
  • Personal Accountability
    How often do you make mistakes at work? How often are those mistakes your fault? If someone calls you out on a mistake, what is your response? These questions need to be reflected upon honestly and deeply. It should be pretty obvious that we all make mistakes at work. All the way up the ladderContinue reading “Personal Accountability”
  • Behavior
    Responsibility is rewarded to managers as they grow. Whether we feel like it or not, more and more self-reflection is required as more scrutiny is placed upon the behavioral expectations that are silently laid upon us. The store manager’s scandal doesn’t get in the national news, the corporate executive’s does. For a more successful andContinue reading “Behavior”
  • Conformity vs. Professionalism
    Why does Professionalism matter? People want to feel comfortable at work. Why should they change their style at work? Aren’t we supposed to be accepting of people’s “true self” in the workplace. Although we will be focusing on these concepts in business and the workplace, they reach much further and deeper into our country’s culture.Continue reading “Conformity vs. Professionalism”
  • Communication – The ABCs
    Every Managerial position will have situations arise that force us to decide how much of the information that we possess should be shared with others, either our managers, peers or our subordinates. This is something that happens on a daily basis whether we are aware of it or not, and it is a critical partContinue reading “Communication – The ABCs”
  • Communication – Articulation
    The ability to successfully communicate ideas may be the single most important aspect of your professional life. If you cannot express to others what you think, what you need them to do, or what is problematic, you will not be able to get things accomplished. Your ability to share ideas and see those ideas comeContinue reading “Communication – Articulation”
  • Communication – Encouraging Response
    We are inundated with words everywhere, and honestly, we tend to ignore much of what’s put before us personally and in the workplace. Most of us have trained our eyes to look for the “important” emails or the “facts that matter.” We have thousands of pages of legal documents that we signed a paper claimingContinue reading “Communication – Encouraging Response”
  • Communication – Written Word
    The written word is largely taken for granted in the workplace because it is so common and has become the convenient alternative to vocal communication. Even contracts can be changed and updated. We churn things out to get the job done quickly. It is better not to waste time walking down the hall or half-wayContinue reading “Communication – Written Word”
  • Communication – Face to Face
    Something that helps to get a healthy perspective on professional communication is to realize that personal motivation DOES NOT MATTER. Period. The level of motivated you are and how strongly you feel about something does not matter one bit if you cannot communicate effectively. “But I am passionate about it!” Great, get in line. BeingContinue reading “Communication – Face to Face”
  • Communication – Introduction
    Communication is a broad, every-day, universally used group of concepts, yet it is so important that there are university majors dedicated to its study. The ability to convey ideas across platforms and different mediums effectively and appropriately is a skill that becomes more important as your career advances. When writing an email, you don’t writeContinue reading “Communication – Introduction”